The Best Fitness Exercises to Relieve Stress

Stress is a common occurrence in our lives, and in some cases it can become unhealthy and even dangerous. Exercise can help us cope with stress because it releases feel-good hormones such as endorphins and serotonin.

In this article we will look at two types of physical activity: active and passive, which can help us cope with stress.

Active exercise, such as cardio, can be very effective in reducing stress. Cardio exercises such as running, biking, swimming, volleyball and jumping rope help speed up your heart rate and increase blood flow. This in turn stimulates the production of endorphins and serotonin, which helps improve our mood and reduce stress levels.

However, before you start cardio training, you should make sure that you are ready for it. It is recommended to start with a small load and gradually increase it. It is important to remember that proper breathing and drinking enough water are key factors during cardio training.

If active exercises are not for you, you can try passive exercises such as stretching. Stretching helps relax muscles and tendons, which in turn reduces tension and stress. It can also help improve flexibility and mobility.

It is important to remember that stretching should not cause pain, and you should avoid sudden movements. To achieve the best results, it is recommended to stretch after cardio training, when the muscles are already warmed up and ready to stretch.

Overall, exercise can help us cope with stress and improve our mood. Cardio training and stretching are two effective ways to achieve this goal. It is important to remember that before starting any physical activity, you should consult your doctor and choose the exercises that are right for you.