Cold treatment methods: what helps and what doesn't

The cold is one of the most common diseases that occurs in the autumn-winter period. It is accompanied by symptoms such as runny nose, cough, headache, sore throat, weakness and fever. There are many treatments for colds, but not all of them are effective.

One of the most well-known and popular methods of treating colds is drinking chicken broth. The hot dish contains many vitamins and minerals that promote rapid recovery and are an effective natural alternative to drugs from the pharmacy.

A good appetite can also help fight a cold, as eating food and warm drinks further supports the body in the fight against infection. It is recommended to have at least five meals a day and drink as many hot drinks as possible. In addition, you need proper rest - 8-10 hours.

Many people believe that it is necessary to avoid going outside during cold weather. However, this opinion is wrong. The cause of acute respiratory infections is not the low temperature outside, but viruses and microbes. Wash your hands constantly, avoid close contact with people who have a cold and, of course, wear warm clothes and hats, and the frost will only harden your body and strengthen your immune system.

Severe and prolonged stress can also weaken the immune system and lead to illness. Minor daily stresses seem to keep the body in good shape, prevent it from relaxing and develop the ability to resist colds.

Vitamin C is beneficial for health, but citrus fruits alone will not cure a cold. Try to consume the daily intake of vitamin C, which ranges from 75 to 150 mg; a lack of vitamin will cause weak immunity and frequent illnesses. But choose more effective ways to combat a runny nose.

Many people also turn to medications to strengthen their immune system. However, medications that promise to relieve many cold symptoms may make you drowsy and irritable. The best way to strengthen the immune system is the right diet and lifestyle.

Always choose medications based on your symptoms. For example, if you have a sore throat, buy lozenges or syrups that contain antiseptics and painkillers. If you have a runny nose, use sprays or drops that constrict blood vessels and reduce mucus production. If you experience a headache, take medications that contain analgesics.

But don't forget that the best way to fight a cold is to prevent it. Try to maintain a full and healthy lifestyle, strengthen your immune system with proper nutrition, physical activity and enough sleep. Avoid contact with people who have a cold and remember to wash your hands. If you do get sick, consult a doctor and follow his treatment recommendations.