13 ways to change your sedentary lifestyle

The modern lifestyle involves sitting for long periods of time at a desk or in front of a TV or computer screen. This can lead to a variety of health problems, including back pain, fatigue, and even depression. However, there are ways to change your sedentary lifestyle and incorporate a more active lifestyle. Below is a list of 13 ways that can help you change your lifestyle for the better.

  1. Park not so close
    Next time you're driving to the store or to work, try not parking so close to the entrance. Instead, park your car away and go for a short walk. This will help you add some physical activity into your day.

  2. Take the stairs rather than the elevator
    If you have no health problems, take the stairs instead of using the elevator. This is a great way to increase your physical activity, even if you have to climb several floors. If you need to use the elevator, try getting off one or two floors earlier and walking to your