How to lose weight in your legs. Video tutorial

How to lose weight in your legs: video tutorial with exercises

Beautiful and slender legs are the dream of many girls, but diets and exercises do not always help achieve the desired result. In this article, we offer you a set of exercises that will help you lose weight and get into shape your legs, including the calves, knees and thighs. The exercises only take 20 minutes to complete and will help you achieve noticeable results in a short period of time.

Exercise 1: Standing Swing Squat and Run

Let's start with an exercise that will help strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Stand straight, feet hip-width apart, toes pointed to the sides. Tighten your stomach and perform squats until your thighs are parallel to the floor. At the bottom, push off with both feet and swing your right hip out to the side as you swing. Then return your right leg to the floor and perform the squat and swing again, but with your left leg. Repeat the leg swing squat for 40 seconds. After this, rest for 20 seconds and continue running in place for 40 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Exercise 2: Bend Forward with Leg Raise and Run

This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, as well as stretch the muscles and joints of the legs. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, stretch your arms towards the floor, while simultaneously moving your right leg straight back. For 40 seconds, alternate between bending and lifting your right and left legs. Bend the knee of your supporting leg slightly in each movement. After a 20-second rest, jog in place for 40 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Exercise 3: plie spring and running in place

This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of your thighs, calves and buttocks. Feet are 1 meter apart, toes pointing outward. Lower yourself into a plié until your thighs are parallel to the floor and spring at this level, rising and falling a few centimeters. Try not to move your body back and forth, keep your spine perpendicular to the floor. After completing the cycle, rest and run in place for 40 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Exercise 4: lying leg raises and running

This exercise will help strengthen the leg muscles of the buttocks and also improve the flexibility of the legs. Lie on your back, thighs perpendicular to the floor, tighten your abs. Bring your legs together and spread them with good amplitude, do not deviate your hips from perpendicular to the floor. Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds and jog in place for 40 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

This set of exercises is based on the principle of interval training, which allows you to train your leg muscles as effectively as possible and speed up the metabolism in the body. Perform this routine 3 times a week to achieve noticeable results. Also remember to eat a healthy diet and moderate physical activity in your daily life.

In conclusion, we would like to note that the exercises presented in this article are only recommendations, and you should consult a doctor or trainer before starting exercises. Exercise wisely and remember to listen to your body. We wish you success in achieving beautiful and slender legs!