Secrets of sports nutrition in bodybuilding

So, dear readers of our muscular site, we continue to gnaw on the granite of the basics of nutrition in “iron sports”. You have already studied a lot, and it is safe to say that you know the basic secrets of sports nutrition, and you also already have a theoretical idea of ​​how every self-respecting bodybuilder should eat. As you probably already understood: “iron sports” is a tough and uncompromising diet. A bodybuilder should completely exclude a large number of dishes and products from his diet. But what remains then, after such a powerful elimination? Let's try to figure it out...

What is absolutely unacceptable in an athlete’s diet?

First of all, this is butter, margarine and other similar products containing harmful fats of animal origin - in general, the amount of fat entering our body should be kept to a minimum. All such oils should be replaced with oils of vegetable origin, preferably olive or, what is a little worse, sunflower.

It is also necessary to minimize the consumption of all kinds of baked goods and flour: buns, pancakes, pancakes, cakes, pies and others - everything is overboard!

Salt and Sugar. It is imperative to minimize the intake of this crap. Remember: every gram of salt retains an extra useless, but very significant volume of water in our tissues. And sugar in its pure form is an unnatural, most harmful carbohydrate that delays the digestion of food in our body. We don’t need all this - we reduce it to “nothing”.

Meat and chicken breast for the bodybuilder.

Now let's go through the meat. Meat is known to be one of the richest foods in protein. And proteins for a bodybuilder are building blocks, without which a strong house cannot be built in principle. However, meat also contains a large amount of fats, which we do not need at all. Moreover, these fats are the most harmful ones... What can we do?

For the same reason, when preparing dishes that include eggs, be sure to throw out the yolks, leaving only the whites. A large amount of bad cholesterol and other nasty things are contained in the yolks - never forget about it!

It is also very important to understand and keep in mind that even when using even minimally fatty meat in food, for example poultry, it still contains fattier and less fatty parts. I think it’s no secret to anyone that the neck of beef is less fatty than the thigh, and chicken breast for a bodybuilder (and just a person) is much healthier than chicken legs...

Another important point is cooking. Try to eat more boiled and steamed than fried and baked.

A separate conversation is alcohol. If you came to the World of bodybuilding and fitness not for a week, but for a serious long period of time, if your goal is a beautiful and healthy body, completely eliminate all alcohol from your diet. And even homemade wine and beer. Not a gram of alcohol - that’s our motto! We wrote in more detail and in detail about alcohol in the life of a bodybuilder in this article...

After reading all this, a typical beginner will say:

“So what should we eat then? This is not possible! This is impossible! A rigid, strict, unapologetic diet? Everything lean and nothing tasty? But sometimes you just want to treat yourself to something tasty..."

Tasty or healthy? - you decide.

What can I say? Having set yourself a serious goal in life, you definitely have to sacrifice something. Consider this as payment for a beautiful, healthy, sporty and athletic body, with which you won’t be ashamed to show up on the beach.

In addition to meat, do not forget about the vegetables and fruits we need, as well as nuts and juices that are rich in vitamins. Be sure to add cheese, cottage cheese and fermented milk products to your diet. Because protein of milk origin is the most useful and most quickly digestible for the human body. It is also worth diversifying your diet with fish and seafood - as you already know, Omega 3 fats are much healthier than fats of meat origin...

Well, at the end of our conversation, I think it wouldn’t be amiss to mention specialized products: the so-called sports nutrition for athletes. These are all kinds of proteins, creatines, amino acids, dietary supplements and nutritional supplements. Such products are targeted specifically for bodybuilders, containing a minimum of fat and a maximum of proteins, vitamins and all the most useful things in concentrated form. It is only important to understand that you should not completely switch to them and forget about your daily normal diet. Remember: supplements are just an addition to your basic diet and nothing more...

These are, perhaps, all the main secrets of sports nutrition in bodybuilding and other similar strength sports that we have prepared for you today. Stay with us, there is still a lot of useful information for you, and be healthy!

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