Top 30 ways to prevent cancer


More than 10 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed every year worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, in 2020 this number will increase by one and a half times. Therefore, we need to fight the problem not alone, but with the whole world. We offer you 30 ways to prevent diseases associated with the growth of malignant cells.

  1. Sauerkraut. Include sauerkraut in your diet. During its fermentation, anti-cancer substances are formed.

  2. Broccoli. Eat steamed broccoli as often as possible. This vegetable is known for its cancer prevention abilities.

  3. Brazil nuts. This type of nut is rich in selenium, which causes cancer cells to “commit suicide.”

  4. Garlic. The beneficial properties of garlic have been known for a long time. It suppresses tumor growth.

  5. Blueberry. This berry is a powerful antioxidant. It neutralizes free radicals that damage DNA.

  6. Fish. Eating at least 4 servings of fish per week reduces the risk of cancer of the blood and other organs.

  7. Green onions. It reduces the risk of cancer, especially prostate cancer.

  8. Kiwi. This fruit is rich in anti-cancer antioxidants.

  9. Citrus. Eating citrus fruits daily reduces the risk of cancer of the oral cavity and other organs.

  10. Grape. These berries and wine made from them reduce the risk of breast cancer.

  11. Green tea. It protects against several types of cancer.

  12. Beer. This drink protects against bacteria that cause stomach cancer.

  13. Curry. Turmeric reduces chronic inflammation in the stomach, which can lead to cancer.

  14. Vitamin D. Its deficiency increases the risk of breast, prostate and other organ cancers.

  15. Vitamin E. It prevents the growth of prostate and lung cancer cells.

  16. Multivitamins. They strengthen the immune system and help prevent cancer.

  17. Annual examination. The earlier cancer is detected, the easier it is to cure it.

  18. Sun protective cream. It reduces the risk of skin cancer.

  19. Low-fat foods. They reduce the risk of various types of cancer.

  20. Condoms. They protect against the virus that causes cervical cancer.

  21. Drinking water. Water-dwellers have a lower risk of colon and bladder cancer.

  22. Proper cooking. This reduces the amount of carcinogens in food preparation.

  23. Avoid processed foods. They contain many carcinogens.

  24. Daily walks. This helps reduce weight and hormones responsible for breast cancer.

  25. Avoid chemicals in your home. They increase the risk of liver and kidney cancer.

  26. Regular skin examinations by a dermatologist.

  27. Examination of the mammary glands by a mammologist.

  28. Examinations of reproductive organs by a gynecologist/urologist.

  29. Examination of the gastrointestinal tract by a gastroenterologist.

  30. Annual blood test.