How to exercise correctly in the cardio room?

Cardio rooms are places where you can effectively burn calories, improve your cardiovascular health and improve your overall fitness. However, in order to achieve the desired results, you need to know how to properly exercise in the cardio room. In this article, we'll look at several important aspects of cardio training and give you some tips to help you get the most out of your cardio workout.

Low intensity cardio

If you want to lose weight, then you may be wondering what cardio workouts are most effective for burning fat. There are many different theories about this, but most trainers agree that a combination of low and high intensity exercise is the best option.

Low-intensity cardio usually doesn't increase your heart rate significantly and is easy. However, they are not intense enough to provide enough stress to your body. The solution may be a combination of slow and fast training, so-called interval training. Do the exercises at high intensity for one minute, followed by two minutes at low intensity. This regimen will help you burn fat more efficiently. Simply put, a higher heart rate burns more calories. For example, you burn 100 calories in 20 minutes of low-intensity work, compared to 160 calories in 10 minutes of high-intensity work. You also burn more fat in less time with a high-intensity workout.

High intensity cardio

If your goal is to burn fat, then you need to consider that the burning of fat cells begins after about 20 minutes of cardio training. The solution may be intense cardio training with periods of moderate intensity. Start by warming up at low intensity on a treadmill or exercise bike, then continue at moderate intensity for 2 minutes, then after 2 minutes at low intensity, do 5 minutes at high intensity, followed by 5 minutes at moderate intensity, and 2 minutes at low intensity. A typical high-intensity cardio workout lasts approximately 20-30 minutes, as this allows for sufficient cardiovascular stress and burns a large number of calories in a short period of time.

When performing high-intensity cardio training, you need to monitor your heart rate so that it does not exceed 85% of the maximum value. You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220.

Before starting cardio training, be sure to warm up to avoid injury and muscle damage. Also, do not forget about the correct exercise technique to avoid injury and damage. If you're new to cardio, it's recommended to start at a low intensity and gradually increase it to allow your body to adjust to the intensity.

Finally, do not forget about the regularity of exercise - cardio training should be carried out at least 3-4 times a week to achieve maximum effect. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to your diet and overall lifestyle to achieve the best results.