Eye fitness: 4 exercises for healthy vision

In modern life, the eyes are subject to great stress: working at a computer, using gadgets and other factors lead to fatigue and decreased vision. However, according to doctors, regular training of the eye muscles can help preserve vision for many years. In this article we will talk about 4 exercises that will help improve eye health and relieve stress.

Exercise 1: "Right-Left"

To begin, sit comfortably on a sofa or chair and close your eyes for a few minutes to thoroughly relax them. Then, without moving your head, move your eyes as far to the right as possible, and then as far as possible to the left. Hold your gaze at the end points for a few seconds. Perform the exercise 15 times, where 1 time is counted as when you have completed the “right-left” cycle.

Exercise 2: "Up and Down"

Sit in a position that is comfortable for you and relax, your head should “look straight”. Then, without changing the position of your head, look up and then down. Hold the position of your eyes at each point. Complete 15 reps. After completing this exercise, close your eyes again and try to relax them as much as possible.

Exercise 3: "Clock"

Imagine as if there is a huge clock drawn in front of you with an arrow that moves in a circle. Follow the arrow with your gaze, making circular movements, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. The exercise must be performed at a slow pace 10 times in each direction.

Exercise 4: "Eights"

Close your eyes and relax them. Sit with your eyes closed for a few minutes. Then, draw figure eights with your eyes, first in one direction and then in the other. The eyes should be as relaxed as possible when performing this exercise. Perform 10 times in each direction at an average pace.

It is important to understand that when focusing your gaze or working at a computer, the eye muscles come into play. Frequent straining of the eye muscles can lead to fatigue and decreased vision. Therefore, regular eye training, including these exercises, can help preserve your vision for many years.

You need to train your eyesight at least once a day every day. This complex can be performed at any time of the day, as soon as fatigue or tension appears in the eyes. However, we should not forget about other factors that affect eye health, such as proper lighting, as well as the correct distance between the eyes and the screen when working at a computer.

In addition, to maintain eye health, you should pay attention to proper nutrition. The diet should contain foods rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as antioxidants. These can be vegetables, fruits, green tea, berries and other products.

Thus, regular training of the eye muscles and proper nutrition can help preserve vision for many years and prevent the development of various eye diseases.