Botox injections cause depression

Botox injections can cause depression in a person because he will not be able to smile the way he should. This unexpected conclusion was obtained in a study by scientists from Cardiff University.

It seems that just recently Botox has been recognized as an effective treatment for depression. Botulism toxin paralyzes the muscles of the forehead, a person loses the ability to frown, and this does not allow him to show external manifestations of sadness and melancholy. It turned out that without these manifestations it is much more difficult for us to be sad internally. But now scientists from Cardiff have come to the opposite conclusion - Botox injections can make you feel sad.

This applies to those patients who have undergone injections of the drug into the lip areas to eliminate characteristic laughter lines. Botox injections “freeze” the facial muscles for several months, which turns off the signals that go to the brain when we smile. And it is these signals that make us feel happier.

According to the author of the study, doctor of psychology Michael Lewis, such cosmetic procedures can become indirect causes of the development of depression. By the way, it was Dr. Lewis who previously proved that Botox injections into the forehead successfully help overcome depression.

“Our facial expressions affect the emotions we experience in the same way that emotions affect our facial expressions,” says Dr. Lewis. “Drugs like Botox prevent patients from having any facial expressions. For example, Botox prevents us from frowning, and we feel less sad. But when it does not allow us to smile normally, then in the same way we stop enjoying life."
