Scientists: chocolate is not a hindrance to your figure

Experts from the University of California at San Diego have debunked the prevailing opinion in society that chocolate spoils the figure and, as they say, “comes out sideways.” Scientists say that eating the delicacy does not affect your health in any way; on the contrary, it can even burn extra pounds.

The doctors' study involved 1,000 volunteers: the focus group included both women and men. They were divided into two groups: one regularly consumed chocolate, and the other did it several times a month. At the end of the experiment, experts took measurements and conducted a survey regarding the lifestyle of the subjects in general, their habits, and in particular, their passion for chocolate. It turned out that those people who regularly indulged themselves in sweets were and remained many times slimmer than those who did this occasionally.

This study only confirmed the scientists’ hypothesis that weight is affected not just by the number of calories absorbed, but also by their origin. In other words, eating chocolate every day may be calorie neutral. Its moderate doses can reduce body fat per calorie and offset the extra calories.