Bad habits that are best to give up

Every person is well aware that good health is the most important thing in life, and yet everyone has their own arsenal of bad habits. Every day they leave an imprint on our appearance and skin, which sometimes we simply don’t notice or just pretend... Find out more about the negative impact of your usual lifestyle on health and ways to avoid unpleasant consequences.


One bar of chocolate may not be so harmful, but it is an undeniable fact that sugar is one of the worst enemies of your body and blood. Those with a sweet tooth should use cosmetics with amino acids that protect the skin from the negative effects of glucose: arginine, carnosine and lysine.


Every stressful day leaves many fine wrinkles on the face because stress leads to dehydration of the skin. To maintain a young body, dermatologists strongly recommend leading a measured and calm lifestyle and not worrying about anything. Try to spend more time relaxing, walking in the fresh air, and before going to bed, replay in your head a couple of positive moments that you had during the day. Add healthy foods like fish, avocados, nuts and berries to your diet.


Smoking slows blood circulation, which leads to decreased levels of oxygen and nutrients in the blood and the appearance of dark spots on the skin. Of course, it is best to get rid of cigarettes altogether, but if this is not possible, then you need to start using cosmetics with grape extract, green tea, ferulic acid and vitamins A, E and C.


If one glass of wine causes red spots to appear on your face and neck, this means that you have increased sensitivity of the blood vessels. In this case, it is advisable to reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum. And if you really want a strong drink, choose wine or beer: they contain much more useful substances than strong alcohol. Also, don’t forget to drink a glass of cold water before starting a fun evening - this will help avoid hangover symptoms.