Rake of newcomers who came to the gym...

Let's look at the typical mistakes of young athletes who have barely crossed the threshold of the gym... At first they think that in order to become a real bodybuilder they need to pump hard. With triple zeal, they grab onto anything heavier and lift day and night until exhaustion, in the hope that literally one workout will turn them into Mr. Olympia...

Of course, this is a wrong and even more destructive approach to training. But understanding comes with time and full of cones.

After some time, a typical beginner begins to understand that in addition to training, he also needs proper rest and proper nutrition, without which nothing will actually grow...   A new round of his training begins, but since the picture is still incomplete - new mistakes, new rake...

And only over time, having accumulated a bunch of bruises and bumps on all these rakes, the young bodybuilder begins to understand that for real progress in this art, training, nutrition, and rest alone are not enough. We need an integrated approach and clear planning in all these areas. And only if this rule is followed, truly high-quality muscle building is possible. And without an integrated approach, some single success taken out of context in one direction actually leads to nothing good...

Bodybuilding should become your lifestyle. You must:

  1. train like a bodybuilder
  2. eat like a bodybuilder
  3. relax like a bodybuilder
  4. plan like a bodybuilder
  5. live like a bodybuilder.

..and only then will you achieve real success. Think about it...

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