Top 5 stupid tips that won't help you lose weight

Every girl, woman, at least once, has come across an advertisement about a miracle product that should instantly relieve you of excess weight, without any effort. And many fell for these tricks, gave away a lot of money and, as a result, remained at the same weight.

So let's figure out what works and what doesn't? We present to your attention: Top 5 stupid tips that will not help you lose weight.

So, let’s start with the top of stupid and ineffective advice:

1. Goji berries.

Goji berries are now the most popular, everyone has probably heard about them and every second person has bought and tried them.

There can be no result from them. We are offered to eat them for snacks and for breakfast with porridge. Let's figure out what their secret is? How are they useful and what are their health risks?

Goji berries for weight loss give a laxative effect, that is, after taking them, you will spend enough time in the toilet and lose water, this loss of water will be noticeable on the scale, but outwardly not one centimeter of yours will be lost.

It's the same with laxatives.

2. Volcano belt.

The Vulcan belt promises to make our waist many centimeters smaller, just wear it daily, eat the same way and it will do all the work for you.

Is it really? Of course not! This belt was originally invented for people suffering from back problems; the belt should help keep their back straight. But if you wear it every day, you just sweat, water comes out and that’s it. The fat will remain in place.

3. Various anti-cellulite creams.

These creams, as you may have guessed, also do not work. Why? How can a cream applied to the skin remove cellulite that is under the skin? No way! This is impossible.

Now almost every channel shows advertising with a vibrating belt. All you have to do is put it on, select the desired mode, and the belt itself will shake out the fat for you.

And this is also, of course, a lie. This belt will not be able to remove your fat by any waves or ultrasounds; it simply acts as a pleasant massager, no more, no less.

5. Bars for weight loss.

The manufacturer claims that it is enough to eat a bar every day instead of dinner and you will lose weight.

Have you read the ingredients of this bar? It contains more sugar than your sugar bowl. It’s better to eat a vegetable salad dressed with olive oil for dinner, the effect will be even greater.

Our correspondent specifically visited all the fitness clubs (in his hometown) and studied the opinions of authoritative bodybuilders and fitness trainers - the answer was unequivocal and unequivocal - all of the above is unlikely to make you a great athlete or a slender fit girl.

So, let’s summarize: as you already understand, all these advertised drugs and the miracle belt will not help you get rid of excess weight. It’s best to eat less fatty foods and move more – this way you’ll definitely get results, rather than wasting money on hopeless miracle remedies.

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