Doctors have named the best methods to combat the autumn blues

Bright emotions, sports, sex and tasty and healthy food will help you get rid of the autumn blues. Professor Leonid Chutko, head of the Center for Behavioral Neuroscience at the Bekhtereva Human Brain Institute, is convinced of this.

According to him, you need to adhere to four rules that help cope with anxiety and stress. "The first is food, you need to eat regularly, pamper yourself with what you like. The second is movement, physical education, swimming pool, gym. The third is battle, that is, vivid emotions. There must be meaning in life, you need to fight for something, win. And the last thing is having sex," the psychotherapist said.

He also made another interesting recommendation on how to reduce anxiety. He advised imagining in stressful situations how you lower your right hand into a vessel of warm water. “This way we switch our attention and calm down,” Chutko explained.

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