How to choose the right glasses for your computer

Many people now work at the computer all day. Almost everyone knows that this harms their eyesight, but only a few take care of their eyes. But everything is simple - you need computer glasses. Most of those who work at a computer for a long time complain of deteriorating health. Rapid fatigue and redness of the eyes, tearing, dryness and pain in the eyeballs, slow focusing, periodic headaches - all this is the result of the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from the monitor. If measures are not taken in time, a disastrous outcome is possible: loss of visual acuity and the development of progressive myopia. To avoid eye problems, you need to protect your visual organs with high-quality computer glasses.

Protection and image

Every day technology is developing more actively, forcing us to spend more and more time on our PCs. Every year the number of people wishing to purchase a computer or laptop doubles, which in turn puts a serious strain on the eyes. According to experts, the popularity of glass protection against harmful monitors is increasing every year by 30-40%. Today, computer glasses are purchased by both people with poor vision and people with 100% vision. Today, demand comes from both those who want to protect their eyes and those who want to look more impressive.

Principle of operation

The principle of protecting computer lenses is interesting - a special coating is applied to the glasses, which neutralizes the electromagnetic radiation of the monitor, and also helps protect the eyes from the constant flickering of the screen. The polarization of this type of glass moderately disperses contrast and regulates the uniform incidence of light on the retina, thereby ensuring maximum protection. It is worth noting that computer optics should be purchased based on your type of occupation and work content. People who constantly work with texts need glasses that enhance contrast and remove halftones. For those dealing with graphics, optics that improve color reproduction are suitable. If you sit at the computer for a long time, devoting all your free time to games and the Internet, it is better to choose glasses with coated lenses that do not reflect glare.

You can evaluate the correctness of the choice of protective lenses within one working day at the computer: if your eyes are not tired, then the choice was made correctly.

Additional properties of computer glasses:

  1. reduce the “pixelation” of the image on the monitor
  2. reduce visual strain when working on a computer for long periods of time;
  3. reduce the risk of vision impairment, the development of certain eye diseases, and myopia;
  4. help reduce fatigue, drowsiness, and increase performance;
  5. protect the retina and lens of the eye from UV radiation;
  6. eliminate various glares and reflections from the monitor screen.

As a result, thanks to computer glasses, the number of errors made by the user decreases, irritability and headaches go away, and the emotional state improves.

An important role in the prevention of visual fatigue is played by the correct organization of the workplace and the regime of visual stress. It will be useful for you to follow some tips:

  1. The display must be optimally tuned to the operating frequency.

  2. The optimal distance from the eye to the screen is more than 50-60 cm, the screen should be below the level of the pupils.

  3. The main sign of eye fatigue during prolonged communication with a computer is considered to be drying out of the mucous membranes of the eyeball. Don’t forget to blink often, rotate your closed eyes in different directions from time to time, massage your eyelids, look into the distance for 1-2 minutes.

  4. Don't work in the dark. In addition to the screen, you should turn on at least one more light source.

  5. We should not forget that the computer screen collects dust a lot. To ensure clear images, wipe them regularly with an antistatic solution.

  6. Order glasses only after consulting an ophthalmologist.