Heels or health: the choice is always yours

Many women love to wear heels, as they add femininity and charm to their gait, and also visually lengthen their legs. However, scientists have long come to the conclusion that prolonged wearing of high heels can cause serious harm to health. When you stand on heels, you shift the center of gravity and increase pressure on the spine, which can lead to displacement of the vertebrae and pelvis, inflammatory processes in the digestive system and pelvic organs, osteochondrosis, muscle pain, curvature of the spine and other back diseases.

In addition, when walking in heels, the point of support changes, and you are forced to literally walk on your toes. Due to abnormal load redistribution, the heel tendon becomes unused and gradually atrophies, the movement of the ankle joint is limited, and the muscles and metatarsal bones are deformed. As a result, corns on the feet, transverse flat feet, arthritis (inflammation of the joints), arthrosis (joint deformities), swelling, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins may appear.

Walking in heels is also dangerous because you can easily twist your foot or fall if your heel gets caught on the floor. Therefore, if you still decide to wear heels, you need to take care of your feet and health by following some rules.

One of the main tips is to choose shoes with low heels (2-5 cm). A small heel acts as a spring, making life easier for long-suffering feet. In addition, shoes should have good insoles with arch supports that prevent the foot from twisting.

It is also important to understand that high heels are not recommended to be worn for more than 2-3 hours and no more than 2-3 times a week. It is better to alternate shoes - flat and with a small heel, and be sure to give your feet rest. You should walk barefoot more, do massages and use special creams for tired feet.

It is also important to remember that from wearing high heels for a long time, the structure of the foot changes, and the muscles begin to work abnormally. Therefore, suddenly switching to flat shoes can be too painful. It is better to switch to lower shoes gradually, reducing the heel height gradually and giving your feet time to adapt.

Finally, it is not recommended to wear high heels for women with a predisposition to arthritis, varicose veins and other leg diseases. If you have such a predisposition, then you should refrain from wearing high heels in advance, before the first symptoms of the disease appear. It is also not worth the risk for those who spend a lot of time on their feet.

In the end, the choice between heels and health is always yours. If you do decide to wear high heels, then you need to take care of your feet and health by following the rules described above. But remember that the most correct shoes are shoes with low heels, which make life easier for your feet and do not harm your health.