Experts have determined a safe dose of alcohol for women

Doctors never tire of reminding people about the dangers of alcohol. And if men are still allowed to brush off the warning, attributing everything to stress and friendly get-togethers, public morality often does not forgive women even this. It turns out that there is some rational explanation for this.

Doctors are convinced that alcohol is much more dangerous for the female body than for the male body for a number of reasons. First, due to its lighter weight, ethanol molecules have a stronger impact. Many have noticed that girls get drunk faster and have a harder time with alcohol intoxication (meaning its consequences in the form of poisoning). Alcohol also has a stronger effect on a girl’s appearance. Ladies have more delicate skin, which more clearly reflects ethanol abuse (unhealthy complexion, dark circles under the eyes). And thirdly, one cannot help but remember the very purpose of a woman - alcohol has a detrimental effect on the reproductive system. For men, alcohol means problems with conception, and in the case of women, it means the threat of miscarriage, complications during childbirth, and even infertility.

Therefore, doctors very strongly recommend limiting alcohol consumption for those who are unable to refuse. For this, experts even calculated the optimal dose of ethanol. For women it is 20 ml of ethanol per day, and for men - 30 ml of ethanol. But even this amount should not be regular. Constant consumption of alcohol-containing products causes alcoholism.

To determine how much of the drink is allowed to be consumed, you can use a simple formula.

Volume of ethanol = volume of alcoholic beverage (in ml) x alcoholic beverage strength (in%) / 100.

For example, if a glass contains 250 ml of wine (strength 10 degrees), then this is equal to 25 ml of ethanol, which already exceeds the norm. Therefore, a lady is allowed 125 ml of martini or 50 ml of vodka (20 ml of ethanol).