New you! TOP 7 secrets of beauty and health

Health needs to be protected from a young age, and the first thing you need to know is how to do it correctly. Doctors, nutritionists, trainers write entire volumes and dissertations about health and the rules for maintaining it, but their endless recommendations not only lack the strength, but also the time to read it all. We offer you 7 simple but valuable self-care tips:

  1. Pure water

We actually get more calories from liquids than from food. Sugary water is a source of unwanted calories, harmful chemicals and synthetic additives and sweeteners. There should always be a small bottle of mineral water in your bag, which will quench your thirst in time and protect you from the temptation to buy unhealthy drinks and juices.

  1. Nutrition

We often confuse thirst with hunger, so be sure to drink a glass of water before eating. Nutritionists also recommend Acai juice, rich in vitamin B12 - it will satisfy the feeling of hunger by 75%, improve metabolism and give you energy for the whole day.

  1. Cleansing

To cleanse your body of toxins, drink a glass of warm water with half a lemon twice a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. Citrus cleanses the gallbladder, which has a good effect on metabolism and burns extra pounds.

  1. Fitness

Don't limit your sports activities to exercise alone. By diversifying your workouts, you will achieve the desired result faster. The most correct fitness is alternating exercises for the lower and upper body. For example: after running on the treadmill, exercise your arms and back.

  1. Stress management

Stress not only affects your mood and behavior, but also your skin. The first step to improve your inner world is to restore the balance of facial skin care. Wash your face daily with lavender tincture or cornflower blue water and make a cleansing mask once a month.

  1. Sun protection

Sunscreen is important not only in summer, but also in winter. Even mild exposure to rays while walking around the city accelerates the aging process of the skin, the appearance of dark spots, wrinkles and freckles. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a hot day or a frosty one – apply sun protection cream to your skin.

  1. Sweet

To get rid of constant sugar cravings, try cinnamon sticks. They taste quite sweet and contain no calories. An alternative option is cinnamon tea.