How to relieve muscle pain after exercise

After an intense workout, muscles may be sore and tense the next day, which is called soreness. This is due to micro-tears in muscle fibers caused by various reasons, such as poor warm-up before training, a long break between classes, or heavy loads. In this article we will look at several ways to help relieve muscle pain after exercise.

  1. Bath and sauna

If you have the opportunity, visit the bathhouse or sauna immediately after your workout. This will not only enhance the result, but also help relieve muscle pain. While visiting the bathhouse, you can make yourself a honey mask, which will have a beneficial effect on the beauty of your skin.

  1. Bath or warm shower

If visiting a bathhouse or sauna is not possible, then take a warm shower or bath. Warm water will help relax muscles, relieve tightness and improve blood circulation. Try to spend enough time in a warm shower to warm up your muscles well, and massage them with water.

  1. Pool

Water is an excellent tool for muscle recovery. If your sports club has a pool, then swim in it after your workout. You can simply soak in the water for 5-10 minutes to release tension from your body.

  1. Vitamins and fruits

During heavy physical activity, eat more fruits and take a vitamin-mineral complex. This will help increase endurance and speed up recovery after workouts. To reduce muscle pain, eat foods rich in vitamins A, C and E.

  1. Complete rest

After exercise, it is very important to give the body proper rest. Healthy sleep restores the body well, so try to get at least eight hours of sleep, or even better, rest for half an hour during the day.

  1. Massage

Massage helps to restore not only the muscles, but also the nervous system. It would be good to undergo a massage course of 10-12 sessions at least a couple of times a year, or have a massage regularly once a week, for example on weekends. If you cannot use the services of a massage therapist, do the massage yourself. Or ask your loved one to stretch the muscles you worked out for you at night. One of the best massage products is simple olive oil.

Minor muscle soreness after exercise is normal and usually goes away within a few days. However, if the pain is very severe and does not improve within a few days, it may be a sign of injury and you should see a doctor.