Energy drinks damage teeth

Drinking sports cocktails and energy drinks leads to the destruction of tooth enamel, say scientists from the USA.

The thing is that these drinks contain a lot of acid, which has a detrimental effect on dental health. This is especially true for teenagers who are addicted to harmful cocktails.

Scientists conducted the following experiment. They selected several sports and energy drinks and soaked samples of human tooth enamel in each for 15 minutes. After this time, the researchers transferred the samples to containers with artificial saliva for 2 hours. This procedure was repeated several times over 5 days, simulating human consumption of cocktails.

After a week, the results were shocking: the enamel was damaged, the teeth became very sensitive and more susceptible to caries, decay and other lesions, as a result of which you could even lose your teeth. At the same time, the harmful effects of energy drinks are twice as strong as those of sports cocktails.

Based on materials from prepared by Anna Petrovskaya
