Top 5 Unknown Facts About the Human Brain

The human brain is one of the most complex and mysterious systems in our body. Despite years of research, there are still many unknowns about its functioning and capabilities. In this article, we present five interesting facts about the human brain that you may not already know.

  1. The subconscious is smarter and more powerful than us

A study conducted by scientists has shown that the subconscious mind can be smarter and more powerful than us. In the experiment, participants were shown a complex picture and had to indicate what they saw. They were then asked to first think and then point to the desired object in the picture. In the first case, people completed the task instantly, and in the second case, they were unable to complete the task at all. This indicates that the subconscious mind can process information faster and more efficiently than the conscious mind.

  1. Mental work of the brain does not tire

Mental work does not tire the brain, since this is one of its main tasks. The feeling of brain fatigue, according to psychologists, is associated mainly with our emotional and mental state. The composition of the blood flowing through the brain remains unchanged throughout its active activity, regardless of its duration. At the same time, the blood from a vein of a person who has worked all day still contains a certain percentage of “fatigue toxins.”

  1. Short-term memory can remember on average no more than seven objects at a time

There are three forms of memory: sensory, short-term and long-term. Short-term memory can be compared to a small storage device and can hold 5-9 objects in the brain at a time. On average, this is seven objects. By the way, most telephone numbers consist of 7 digits.

  1. Regular brain function prevents brain disease

Regular brain function helps prevent the development of Alzheimer's syndrome. Intellectual activity produces additional tissue that compensates for the diseased tissue. At the same time, it is very useful to learn something new, engage in an unusual activity, and also communicate with people with a higher IQ.

  1. Chartreuse is the most visible color

Chartreuse or yellow-green color is located in the middle of the frequencies of the visible spectrum. Human eyes have receptors for the perception of blue, green and red colors. The brain receives information about the difference between light and dark, and not about colors as such. Therefore, it is easiest for brain receptors to recognize chartreuse. For this reason