Tenoten - strength and mood every day!

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Sometimes life's difficulties are depressing. As a result of stress, emotional stress and neuroses, more and more people are prone to depression. Depression is a disorder that is quite common in all countries, social strata and cultures. It affects approximately 5% of the population worldwide. Women suffer from depression about twice as often as men. Scientists called depression the "disease" of the 21st century.

So-called seasonal depressions are common. Scientists have long noticed the dependence of bad mood and depression on the season. After all, there is a certain connection between the intensity of sunlight and the occurrence of depressive states. Seasonal depression occurs in the autumn-winter period and disappears without a trace with the arrival of spring. Lack of heat, sunlight, vitamin deficiency, gloomy rainy weather affect the emotional state of a person. During depression, a person may feel anxious or hopeless, have low self-esteem, and may experience loss of appetite and weight. A person becomes irritable or, on the contrary, indifferent to the whole surrounding world. The general behavior also changes: the concentration of attention decreases, the ability to work and the ability to perform purposeful actions are lost. Very often, bad habits are formed on this basis: drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking.

Depression differs from ordinary depression in that a person cannot cope with it on his own. Depression must be treated. Few people know that some sedative drugs (for example, those containing valerian) are contraindicated in depression. The fact is that sedatives can lead to motor and emotional retardation, which will further intensify the depressive state. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of drugs for nervous disorders with special care.

In the case of depressive disorders, special medicinal products aimed at normalizing a person's mental health come to the rescue. Such drugs include Tenoten - an over-the-counter drug that has an antidepressant effect. Tenoten has a positive effect on the general emotional state, improves mood. The drug strengthens the nervous system, helps to concentrate attention, improves memory, increases the general resistance of the body in conditions of chronic stress and fatigue. Tenoten improves work capacity and tolerability of psycho-emotional stress, reduces irritability and nervous tension. What is extremely important, the positive therapeutic effect of Tenoten is not accompanied by symptoms of drowsiness and inhibition. Tenoten is allowed to be used even by drivers. A huge advantage of this drug is that during its use, addiction to the drug and dependence on it do not develop. The first improvements in the emotional background become noticeable already a few hours after the reception. The course of treatment with Tenoten is 1-3 months; if necessary, the course of treatment can be extended up to 6 months or repeated after 1-2 months.

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