Is it worth saving on the quality of strength training equipment?

Answering the question: “Is it worth saving on the quality of strength training equipment?”, I’ll probably tell you one instructive story...

One of my friends, an experienced athlete and part-time father of two boys, decided to buy a small sports corner for them... It would be more correct to say: not a corner - but a wall-mounted exercise machine. Something like a horizontal bar/press/bars. It's double-sided and reversible. Hangs on the wall using corner profiles...

Well, it means he bought this horizontal bar, mounted it to the wall, hung swings, rings and a rope ladder on it so that the little ones could climb and ride... but the main idea was not only to entertain the children, but also to exercise on this machine himself in order to support yourself in excellent physical shape. That is why not just a crossbar was chosen, but the “horizontal bar/press/parallel bars” option…

But since this creation was originally intended for children, after a couple of serious lessons, my friend ran into serious problems. The fact is that he weighs about a hundredweight, plus he also likes to work out with additional weights in the form of barbell discs, chains, weighted vests, and others... So this children’s corner could not withstand my friend’s efforts - the square frame of his corner was bent and deformed , unable to withstand the weight of a serious athlete...

The moral of this story is: “If you chase two bunnies, you won’t catch either” and “We are not rich enough to buy cheap things” and “Good things don’t come cheap!” Therefore, I strongly recommend that you choose exercise equipment with an impressive weight reserve for the practitioner. For example, here is a Forma strength trainer at a very affordable price, but the safety margin of such a trainer is simply colossal. It’s not scary to climb on this one yourself, with children, and even with additional body kits - it will still hold up and not bend! It’s not like these all sorts of Chinese fakes made of foil, which you blow on and they fall apart! Not metal - but the hell knows what - solid powder metallurgy...

Don’t forget: during strength training with impressive weights, your health, and maybe even your life, is at stake! And is it really worth risking such things? I think this will definitely be superfluous... Without a doubt...

Therefore, my friends, it is better not to save money, and always buy only proven brand items. In the end, you will be satisfied yourself and you will please me with a kind word. With that, allow me to take my leave, see you in the rocking chair! Hugged everyone, goodbye everyone!

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