Health calendar for March 2013

Our health does not always directly depend on our lifestyle, on what we ate for breakfast today or how many hours we slept. On some days, nature plays a cruel joke on us, such as magnetic storms, which exposes the human body to fatigue, irritability, and causeless anxiety. It is difficult to resist nature, because we are part of it, so we have to indulge its whims. The I WANT portal offers you a health calendar for March, which will help you maintain good health and mood and keep up with the usual rhythm of life.

March 1st and 2nd. In the first days of spring, weak magnetic storms are expected. In this case, you should not indulge in sweets and meat; consume more dairy products and fruits. For prevention, sedatives will not hurt: tincture of valerian or hawthorn. Start and end your day with a contrast shower: end the shower with cold water in the morning to invigorate the body, and in the evening with warm water to calm it down before bed.

March, 3rd. On this day, emotional instability and excessive anxiety are possible. Spend more time in nature, in the fresh air. Spend the day at home, in a quiet family environment.

March 4th. The mood is more than satisfactory, feel a new surge of strength. Include more seafood in your diet, sign up for a swimming pool. Be careful: injuries are likely on this day.

5th of March. Try not to overexert yourself mentally and physically. Take time to do yoga, breathing exercises, and have a fasting day with food.

March, 6. There is a possibility of food poisoning, so be more careful when choosing a dish from a menu in a restaurant or when purchasing food in a market.

March 7. You will be able to feel an emotional uplift that will help you resolve work problems and enthusiastically take on new projects.

March 8. On this day you will need procedures that will have a beneficial effect on your nervous system and mental balance. Choose a vacation that best suits your mood, and most importantly, try to completely relax.

9th of March. It's worth protecting your eyesight. Try not to strain your eyes - sit at the computer less, do not read in low light. Do special exercises for your eyes.

March 10 and 11. Try to organize the events of these days and your thoughts to avoid chaos in your life. All you need is peace and harmony. More positive thoughts will certainly improve your well-being and emotional state.

March 12. It’s worth thinking about your bad habits and how to end them once and for all. Now you may not feel how harmful they are to your health, but you risk exposing your body to serious diseases in the future if you do not get rid of them now.

March 13. The day is extremely favorable for strong physical activity, as the body is filled with energy and strength. Go for a run or do yoga or dance at home.

March 14th. Heart rhythm disturbances will occur, and without noticing it, without good reason, you may fall into depression.

March 15th. Arrange a fasting day for the body. Replace heavy foods and sweets with dairy products and fruits.

March 16 and 17. There is a risk of contracting infectious diseases, so take care to strengthen your immune system. To restore the body's defenses, pay more attention to your diet, spend more time in nature, and do not rush to hide warm clothes in the closet.

18th of March. On this day, you can plan a visit to a beauty salon and sign up for various cosmetic procedures. Today it is better to entrust your skin to professionals than to prepare cosmetic masks yourself at home.

March 19. Take time to meet your body's needs: move more, walk. Do exercises for your back, arms and head, spend 5-10 minutes doing breathing exercises.

20th of March. Your hair, nails, teeth need