How to avoid toxicosis during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most important and responsible periods in a woman’s life. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother faces various troubles, including early toxicosis. Although the causes of toxicosis are still unclear, there are several ways that can help avoid this unpleasant condition.

The first and most important rule for avoiding toxicosis is to listen to your body and not ignore its needs. If you feel very nauseous, dizzy or have heartburn, feel free to go to the toilet or lie down to rest whenever you feel like it. Try not to hold back your needs, otherwise your body may respond with an even stronger reaction.

The second rule is proper nutrition. During pregnancy, your eating habits may change, so follow your new tastes by choosing the safest foods. Try to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, and in between meals, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not forget that toxicosis often occurs on an empty stomach, so it is better to start the morning with a cracker or a piece of black bread and a glass of water.

The third rule is a positive attitude towards life. It is possible that toxicosis is a reaction to events and circumstances that you do not like. Therefore, try to live in harmony with your body and find joy in small things.

There are also traditional methods of combating toxicosis, for example, eating lemon or raw potatoes. However, before using such methods, you should consult your doctor.

So, avoiding toxicosis during pregnancy is possible if you listen to your body, eat right and have a positive attitude towards life. Remember that pregnancy is a special period in life, and taking care of your health and the health of your baby should come first.