Animal-assisted therapy. Your pussy will heal you!

God created animals for people... Let us immediately clarify: the article is not at all about the beneficial effects of a woman’s or a man’s infidelity on the health of their faithful - this option, as practice shows, brings a negative result. We will talk about animal-assisted therapy - the positive impact of animals on human well-being.

Animals are psychics

People have long noticed that our younger friends have a phenomenal gift of healing: even now, when civilization has made not entirely pleasant adjustments to the lives of representatives of the fauna, you can see how most animals, guided by a natural instinct not lost in the process of evolution, can find among of all kinds of plants is exactly the one that improves his well-being. This feature has been preserved even among pets - cats and dogs. And this is the notorious “sixth sense”, thanks to which animals can anticipate all sorts of disasters and respond adequately to them, thus warning humans about the impending danger! Or good memory and the ability of animals to perfectly navigate even in unfamiliar areas... History knows many cases when faithful pets found their unfaithful owners, having walked tens, sometimes hundreds of kilometers. Sometimes it begins to seem that people, in comparison with animals, still do not understand much in this life...

Wait for me and I will come back...

I remember my relative’s story about an incident that happened to him several years ago. In his house there lived a dog named “Liza”; The dog was not bad, but only its owner, a fairly elderly man, began to find it difficult to look after her. So he decided to get rid of her. But since there were no people among his friends who wanted to have a dog at home, even one as decent as Lisa, the relative decided to take the most extreme measures: he asked his neighbor to take her to some unfamiliar city and “set her free” there. The neighbor agreed and left Lisa in a tiny town where he was sent on a business trip - several tens of thousands of kilometers from home.

A little time passed and the relative really repented of what he had done, even asked to find Lisa, but nothing could be changed. As luck would have it, soon after this he became seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital, where he remained for several weeks. And when I returned home, I was pleasantly surprised: sitting on the threshold, happily wagging her tail, was Lisa, thin beyond recognition.

By the way, according to the relative, it was her presence that helped him recover quickly after a serious illness, so now he does not let Lisa go even a step. And the dog, like a faithful friend and comrade, dutifully brings him slippers, newspapers and, as its owner jokes, takes him out every day to get some fresh air, thus preventing him from gaining extra pounds, getting sick or aging quickly...

A dog instead of a pill

If we abstract from this story and find out the opinion of some doctors, then it is as follows: animals can really cure not only themselves, but also their owners, so doctors even recommend using animal therapy as a treatment - treatment with animals - depending on the problems for which you would like to get rid of.

Those who have been diagnosed with heart or blood pressure problems should get a dog, because... The presence of this animal in the house helps relieve stress, get rid of psychological problems, and has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. The dog also helps alleviate asthma attacks, get rid of skin problems and is a good preventive measure against cancer. Some doctors even recommend that if you have heart problems, you can normalize your condition by placing your hand on the dog’s heart, since it is a good pacemaker.

But the most important thing to remember in all this is one thing: a dog can become a good friend and healer for you only when you treat it with sincerity