Scientists have discovered the secret of eternal youth

For generations, people have been striving to find the key to eternal youth, but so far they have not succeeded. But scientists think they are one step closer to solving the mystery. New research has proven that there is an area of ​​the brain that can control the aging process. Researchers believe that the hypothalamus, an area of ​​the brain that controls hunger, thirst, body temperature and fatigue, may act as a kind of "fountain of aging", controlling age-related changes.

Scientists from Einstein College of Medicine claim to have discovered a special pathway that acts as a signal for some age-related diseases, and also helps fight old age and regulate life expectancy. Scientists have long wondered whether aging occurs in different tissues independently of each other, or whether this process is regulated by one organ. Thanks to new research, it has become clear that most aspects of aging are controlled by the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus, located deep in the brain, is known to play a fundamental role in growth, development, reproduction and metabolism. With age, inflammation occurs in various tissues. Inflammation is also involved in age-related diseases such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, neurological diseases and many types of cancer. And the hypothalamus is responsible for this. A study on mice showed that if you block this pathway in the hypothalamus, you can slow down the aging process by 20%.
