Is coffee with milk harmful?

Coffee with milk is one of the most popular drinks in cafes and restaurants. This drink has many variations, differing in the amount of milk in the cup and the addition of various spices, liqueurs and sweet syrups. But the question that interests many lovers of coffee with milk is whether this combination is harmful to our body? Two Kyiv nutritionists spoke about the benefits and harms of this drink.

Anna Panchenko, a nutritionist at the 5 Element sports club, believes that milk can successfully complement coffee, compensating for some of its negative effects. For example, coffee can “acidify” the body, while milk, on the contrary, alkalizes. Coffee can also increase the acidity of gastric juice, while milk lowers it. In addition, coffee can “flush” calcium from the body, while milk is a source of calcium.

Nutritionist-endocrinologist of the Kyiv City Health Center and MK “Osobista Krasa” Natalia Samoilenko agrees with Anna Panchenko that coffee with milk can be present in a healthy diet, but only in reasonable quantities. No more than 1-2 cups per day. Coffee with milk is a source of calories, and if consumed in excess, it can contribute to excess weight gain. In addition, the combination of tonin (found in coffee) and casein (milk protein) is not very good for our digestion and metabolism. Therefore, this drink is allowed in moderation and it is better to drink it without sugar.

Thus, coffee with milk can be a healthy drink if consumed in reasonable quantities. Milk may counterbalance some of the negative effects of coffee on the body. However, if you are trying to lose weight or have digestive problems, it is better to reduce the amount of coffee with milk or even give it up in favor of healthier drinks.