Sports and recreation for the whole family!

Dear readers, let's think about it: what clubs do we go to? Surely a strong half of our readers will say - to the gym, and this will be a typical male answer - after all, what else do we really need? - a barbell, a rack, a bench, dumbbells, and more exercise equipment... All sorts of spas and massage services are of no use to an ordinary, typical man - we love Spartan conditions...

The female half of our site's readers will be more picky. Their level of aspiration will be higher. Their answer will most likely be a fitness club. Moreover, all kinds of simulators – that goes without saying. Give them yoga, Pilates, stretching, and all sorts of other delights. Well, and of course, a massage, spa, sauna and beauty salon, available at the fitness club, will not be superfluous... Well, that’s actually all they usually need...

But there are fitness clubs that are more serious... I want to tell you about one of these fitness clubs. We will talk about the “Fifth Element” - an elite super-mega club. Truly a real metropolitan sports mega-club, where there is everything. This is where real sports and recreation for the whole family are! Let's take a closer look at what's available here:

  1. Huge two-story gym. I bet you will not find such a simulator in nature that would not be in this gym.
  2. Six tennis and four squash courts with modern professional coverage. This is where there is freedom to play for the whole family!
  3. Six diverse pools - choose any one and swim either along or across!
  4. A beauty center and the widest spa area, where there are literally all the procedures practiced in the world!
  5. A chic restaurant right on the territory of the complex will surprise you with its comprehensive menu that can satisfy the needs of any gourmet.
  6. Summer sports ground. If you are a fan of Work-outs, then there is a place for you! Work on yourself outdoors!
  7. A children's center where your child can study, and there are simply countless sections here!

In a word, “The Fifth Element” is what a real metropolitan sports club is, which really has everything and where you can come at any time with the whole family! If you're in Kyiv, be sure to visit! We recommend!

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