How to overcome post-vacation syndrome

Post-vacation syndrome is a disorder that occurs after returning from vacation and manifests itself in the form of headaches, loss of energy, insomnia, fatigue, tearfulness, self-doubt, irritability and short temper. Most people experience this condition because vacation is a time for rest and relaxation, and returning to work can lead to stress.

But don’t despair, because post-vacation syndrome can be overcome. Psychologists and medical experts suggest several ways to help you cope with this condition.

  1. Divide your annual vacation into two equal parts: 2 weeks or 10 days. The best time to relax is in winter and summer: it is at this time that our body and brain need a change of environment. In addition, short weekends of 3-4 days in between vacations have a good effect on performance. In this case, you do not have time to get tired of the gray everyday life and work environment.

  2. Never buy vouchers or tickets strictly from the beginning to the end of your vacation: after returning, you should have a few days left to adapt.

  3. Don't go to work on Monday. The beginning of the work week is always stressful, and after a vacation it’s doubly stressful. Select these dates to start work on Wednesday or Thursday. The coming weekend will lift your spirits.

  4. Before your vacation, close all your “tails”: do everything possible so that when you come to work you won’t have a bunch of papers and unsolved problems waiting for you.

  5. Take multivitamins and immune-boosting supplements 1-2 weeks before and during your vacation to help prevent illnesses that may occur as a result of climate change.

In addition, there are several ways to help you cope with post-vacation syndrome after returning to work.

  1. Don't rush to solve all the problems immediately after returning to work. Make a cup of coffee, chat with colleagues, read social networks. Select a few of the most difficult tasks and try to cope with them in the first half of the day. Don't stay too long at work, use the entire hour for your lunch break and leave on time.

  2. At home, do not do extensive washing, general cleaning and cooking. Continue to relax - read a book, watch a good movie or meet with friends. Household matters can wait a few days, believe me, you will deal with them later.

  3. Make time for exercise. Physical activity helps improve your mood and relieve stress. You can take a walk after work, visit the gym or do yoga.

  4. Try incorporating meditation or relaxation practices into your daily routine. This will help you calm down and relieve tension.

  5. Don't forget about relaxing on the weekend. Find time to pursue hobbies, travel outdoors, or simply relax at home. This will help you regain your strength and prepare for the next working day.

Overall, to cope with post-vacation syndrome, it's important to remember that the transition from vacation to work can be difficult, but that's normal. Don’t solve all your problems right away and forget about your vacation. Find a balance between your work and personal life, and you can successfully cope with post-vacation syndrome.