How to master the long life technique?

Macrobiotics is the science of longevity that teaches people to live in harmony with the environment and eat healthy foods. The name "macrobiotics" comes from the Greek words "macro" - large and "bio" - to live, which literally means "long life technique". According to macrobiotic precepts, consistent with proper nutrition, you can live up to a hundred years.

The basis of macrobiotic nutrition is whole grains and traditional foods that correspond to the seasons. A healthy diet should consist of 50% whole grains and grain products, 20-30% locally grown vegetables, 5-10% beans and seaweed, and 5% condiments and complementary foods (drinks and desserts).

Whole grains are the foundation of macrobiotic nutrition and recommended foods include barley, buckwheat, brown rice, millet, oats, rye and wheat. Whole grains contain complex carbohydrates, proteins, fats, microelements and vitamins in proportions that are ideal for the body. Experts recommend cooking grain in pressure cookers or in heat-resistant glass containers.

Vegetables are also an important part of a macrobiotic diet. It is recommended to use three main groups of vegetables: green leafy vegetables, root vegetables and soil vegetables. The former primarily include cabbage and chlorophyll-rich greens. From root vegetables, in addition to the usual carrots, onions, and radishes, it is advisable to add dishes from burdock and dandelion roots. But you shouldn’t get carried away with potatoes and tomatoes. Along with zucchini, eggplant and peppers, excessive consumption of these vegetables can lead to acidification of the body. Pumpkin and cauliflower occupy an intermediate link in the macrobiotic nutrition system. They give warmth and a feeling of fullness.

It is very important not to forget about seaweed, which promotes weight loss and removes toxins. It is best to replace meat with legumes, or, in extreme cases, with white fish. For desserts, only dried fruits and some fresh fruits are allowed. It's better to drink plain water. At the same time, it is very important to chew everything thoroughly and feel gratitude for the foods designed to satisfy your hunger.

Macrobiotic nutrition is not vegetarianism, as it allows the consumption of seafood and white fish. However, in general, it suggests limiting your intake of animal products and increasing your intake of plant foods, which can have a positive impact on health and longevity.

By following the rules of macrobiotic nutrition, you can expect improved health and increased life expectancy. However, as with any other type of nutrition, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and consult a doctor before changing your diet.

In general, macrobiotics is not only a diet, but also a philosophy of life, which is aimed at achieving harmony with the environment and one’s own body. It may be of interest to people who strive for a healthy lifestyle and longevity, and are ready to follow its principles.