Growth hormones - let's get off the ground!

In the life of every bodybuilder there is such a moment when you have been adding, adding, growing both in depth and breadth, and regularly adding weight on the apparatus, and suddenly at one bad moment - bam, and stagnation... This moment is popularly called the “dead point”. Every athlete sooner or later sits on it, no matter how you look at it...

What to do when you have reached your limit, given your best, and there is no further? One option is to take a break and switch: change the intensity of your classes, try other forms of working on yourself... For example, forget about the gym for a while and work out on the street. A weekly or two-week workout will definitely benefit you. Or switch to cardio: run, swim, work in the cardio zone - this will allow you to get off the block, and at the same time you will burn excess fat...

Another great option is growth hormones. I’ll tell you from my personal experience: I somehow fell into a dead spot and couldn’t get off it. Progress in training stopped completely, and I couldn’t even gain half a kilo on the apparatus! And this is for a whole month of being at a dead center! And then my partner recommended growth hormones to me... I tried it and really felt the changes. Little by little, progress returned to me, and I again began to successfully increase my training...

What's the point here? Strength training and, accordingly, our muscle growth directly depends on “overcompensation” - the ability of our body to accumulate a little more than it had before training - so to speak, in reserve. However, our body is not made of iron, and exhaustion still occurs sooner or later. In this case, overcompensation ceases to work effectively as it worked before. Some pause in training or some additional incentive is necessary. This stimulus is growth hormones. The sports nutrition drug growth hormone greatly enhances the effect of overcompensation, due to which our body is able to accumulate more muscle mass in reserve. And this is exactly what we need!

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