Back exercises

This list contains all the exercises for the back and all its muscle groups and areas: upper, middle and lower. Both basic and isolating exercises are discussed in detail with diagrams and examples.

  1. Every Builder and Lifter should know how to pump up the trapezius.
  2. All about the exercise: Pull-ups on the bar.
  3. Some facts from history...
  4. Shrug exercise and its variations
  5. Deadlift exercise
  6. Bent-over barbell row exercise
  7. Bent-over barbell row exercise technique:
  8. Bent-over barbell row
  9. Bent-over barbell row. Technique:
  10. Bent-over dumbbell row
  11. The technique for performing the dumbbell row exercise is as follows:
  12. Block pull. (lower block thrust, upper block thrust)
  13. Hyperextension exercise for the back is the right choice!
  14. Pull-up on the horizontal bar

Every Builder and Lifter should know how to pump up the trapezius.

Many athletes want to have a beautiful body, and most importantly, a harmoniously developed one. To do this, you need to train all muscles without exception. And even those unpopular ones that you may not attach much importance to. And one such muscle group will be discussed in this article. Agree, a developed trapezoid gives an athlete a very good look, especially when posing in bodybuilding, and according to opinion polls, this particular part of the body is very attractive to the fair sex. It should be noted that beginners know little about this muscle group and train it haphazardly, which, by the way, can be very traumatic. After reading this article, you can confidently say that you now know how to pump up your trapezius. We will help both professionals and beginners understand the issues of its training.

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All about the exercise: Pull-ups on the bar.

This exercise, along with push-ups, can be considered the most universal, because to perform it you just need to find a crossbar or horizontal bar, which, by the way, is very easy to do with your own hands.

Since ancient times, pull-ups on the bar have been considered a symbol of the physical perfection of athletes, but it is now quite difficult to thoroughly trace the evolution of this exercise.

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Shrug exercise and its variations

Shrugs are a weightlifting fitness and bodybuilding exercise whose task is to work out trapezius muscle group (in common parlance: trapezoid).

The visual, aesthetic significance of the trapezoid becomes indisputable when contemplating posing bodybuilders. This is a rather massive muscle group that can create a striking impression even in frontal poses! And with proper posing, with its back to the audience, the trapezoid is visual center of attraction the entire upper back area. This muscle group looks most spectacular in the positions: “maximum muscularity” and “rear double biceps.”

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Deadlift exercise

Deadlift - deadlift - a key basic exercise in powerlifting and bodybuilding. The main focus of this exercise is on the long back muscles. However, the trapezius muscles, and, of course, the biceps of the legs, also take part in the work.

A mistake many newbies make: Having just started going to the gym, they rush to pump up their healthy arms, especially their biceps. Day after day, they rape the barbell, performing standing biceps curls and concentrated curls on the Scott bench - but there was no muscle mass. And why all? Yes, because a beginner should not waste his energy on small muscles and, accordingly, isolated exercises, - you need to make a base:

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Bent-over barbell row exercise

Bent-over barbell row – a basic bodybuilding exercise that has a targeted effect on latissimus muscles backs. Unlike pull-ups, which build up width back, bent over barbell row with the correct technique stimulates the back to grow and increase in thickness.

  1. We don’t even approach the apparatus without warming up. The exercise is basic and extremely dangerous.

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Bent-over barbell row

The T bar row is essentially a variation of the bent over row. The limited range of movement of the bar provides an opportunity to concentrate on your muscle sensations and monitor the quality of the exercise.

Bent-over barbell row. Technique:

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Bent-over dumbbell row

Another type of exercise from the category of “bent-over rows”. The one-arm dumbbell, kettlebell, or block row is an exercise that all bodybuilding superstars must include in their workouts.

The technique for performing the dumbbell row exercise is as follows:

  1. Lean forward and grab the dumbbell in your right hand.

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    Block pull. (lower block thrust, upper block thrust)

    Upper block pull is essentially an alternative pulling up. The physics of the movements is the same, only in pull-ups you work with your own weight, and in the version with a block - the weight of the simulator load.

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    Hyperextension exercise for the back is the right choice!

    For execution hyperextension a specialized simulator is required. From the point of view of process mechanics, this exercise is similar deadlift and is aimed at deep and high-quality study long muscles backs. However, it is much simpler and more accessible than exercises with a barbell. With sufficient skill and ingenuity, it can be performed even at home. Exclusively due to its accessibility and simplicity, the hyperextension exercise for the back is one of the best in its class.

    Possible options:

    1. With your hands at your sides.

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      Pull-up on the horizontal bar

      Pull-ups are a basic exercise, one of the main ones for building a wide, impressive, massive back.

      There are the following pull-up options:

      1. Pull-up on the horizontal bar to the chest.
      2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar behind the head.

      Pull-ups also vary in grip width:

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