Selfishness is good for your health

Nowadays, many people believe that selfishness is a bad quality and that selfish people are unpleasant and undesirable people. However, as research shows, selfishness can have a beneficial effect on a person’s health and his attitude towards the world around him.

One of the main reasons why selfishness is beneficial is that it is closely related to self-esteem. Self-esteem is a person's ability to evaluate themselves honestly, lovingly and fairly. People who love and respect themselves are often more open to new opportunities and a successful future. This is confirmed by the famous expression: “love your neighbor as yourself.” It cannot be denied that selfishness is present in each of us, and this must be accepted on the path to self-awareness and sincerity.

However, many people believe that treating yourself poorly is a good thing. They believe that a person should deny his wants and needs for the sake of something higher, such as religious dogma or social ideals. However, in reality, people who have warm feelings towards themselves usually love other people. On the contrary, monsters and maniacs who do not love anyone usually do not love themselves. Self-love does not mean that a person should buy himself a lot of things or go to restaurants. In fact, people who buy a lot of things and cannot resist gluttony often do not like themselves. They experience low self-esteem, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

However, having high self-esteem does not mean that a person will always feel on top. A person may experience negative emotions and experiences, but it is important not to deny them or transfer them onto others. It is important to accept these experiences and deal with them on your own. Ultimately, this will help a person not only love and respect himself, but also become more open to the world around him.

Therefore, understanding that you need to treat yourself exclusively with respect and love, you need to become an egoist in the good sense of the word. This will help a person live alone with himself and in communication with other people, it will become much easier. Don't be afraid to be selfish if it helps you stay healthy and respect yourself. However, it is important to remember that selfishness should not interfere with interaction with other people and should not lead to violation of the rights and interests of other people. Therefore, to be a successful egoist, it is important to find a balance between caring for your own interests and respecting the interests of other people.