Scientists have learned to create stem cells from blood

British biologists have discovered a new method for obtaining stem cells, which may be the most effective way to treat patients. Currently, most stem cells are produced from human skin, but recently it was discovered that such material may have genetic defects. The new method is based on creating stem cells from blood, making them safe for transplantation.

Stem cells are able to self-renew and transform into cells of any organs and tissues, which makes them a valuable tool in the treatment of various diseases. They are used in the treatment of the nervous system, including stroke, spinal and brain injuries, as well as diabetes, endocrine system disorders and inflammatory processes.

Previously, the creation of stem cells was associated with certain difficulties, including the use of embryonic cells and genetic engineering. However, a new method based on creating stem cells from blood allows scientists to avoid these problems.

In addition, scientists grew hair from stem cells, which opens up new possibilities in the field of cosmetology and the treatment of baldness.

A new method of creating stem cells from blood could revolutionize the medical industry, providing a safe and effective way to treat many diseases.