How to increase the effectiveness of sports?

To increase the effectiveness of sports and to obtain high sports results, it is recommended to carry out a massage procedure with the application of special warming massage products VIVAX.

The main goal of massage is to prepare the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems for upcoming stress and, importantly, to prevent possible injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

In the pre-race period, even professional athletes often experience emotional changes, in a situation in which the athletes themselves are not able to help themselves. This is due to the strong activation of the sympatho-adrenal system. On the eve of the competition, insomnia, headache, and loss of appetite are possible, which negatively affects athletic performance. Immediately before the start, irritability, emotional arousal, increased body temperature, chills, tremors and other vegetative manifestations that arise as a result of an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, with signs of excessive activation of the sympathetic system, are often noted.

According to sports regulations, it is recommended to carry out a complex of preparations, including psychological assistance, which lifts the mood and relieves anxiety, and a massage procedure. The main goal of massage is to prepare the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems for upcoming stress and, importantly, to prevent possible injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

A special place is occupied by special massage products VIVAX SPORT. They have a pronounced warming effect, quickly and deeply penetrate the muscles, increasing their tone, which allows us to recommend them as quick warming agents during the pre-race preparation of an athlete for intense physical activity.

To effectively fight cellulite and lose weight, it is recommended to apply VIVAX BIOLOGIC anti-cellulite weight loss products before playing sports. These products provide a lasting anti-cellulite effect and help get rid of cellulite.