Even cats know stretching

Fitness is something that always remains in trend. Every year new trends, new techniques and exercises appear that promise to help achieve the desired shape. Among them is stretching - a set of stretching exercises that allows you to regain lost flexibility and strengthen muscles.

Stretching is not a new trend in fitness, but recently it has been gaining more and more popularity. This is because many people want to maintain their fitness and health throughout their lives. But alas, with age, flexibility decreases and muscles become less elastic. Stretching allows you to maintain flexibility, strengthen muscles and increase their elasticity.

However, if you think that stretching is just stretching, then you are deeply mistaken. This is a set of exercises that is performed with a certain sequence and technique. Stretching exercises done correctly can give excellent results, but done incorrectly can lead to injury.

By the way, domestic cats know how important stretching is. Every morning they start their day by stretching, arching their backs and stretching their paws. This helps them maintain muscle flexibility and elasticity. Stretching for people is not only a way to maintain flexibility, but also to improve blood circulation and the condition of blood vessels.

But do not forget that you need to approach these activities wisely, gradually increasing the load. You can't let a ligament sprain instead of a muscle, so fitness instructors make sure you maintain the angle of inclination and don't lose your balance.

In addition, you should not endure pain from stretching. If a muscle tears due to pain, it can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, doctors advise not to neglect your feelings and not endure the pain from stretching for a long time. The exercises may be painful at first, but if done correctly, they will achieve excellent results.

Stretching is not only good for the body, but also for the soul. These exercises are performed slowly and relaxingly, which helps relieve stress and relax after a busy day. In addition, the slow pace of exercise allows the brain to comprehend and calculate all the information that comes to it from the muscle, and give it a command either with pain or with a pleasant sensation of stretching.

It is also believed that when stretching, which involves a slow pace, fat is broken down in the deepest layers, which are not affected by regular aerobics. Therefore, stretching is a great way not only to maintain flexibility and strengthen muscles, but also to get rid of excess weight.

However, like any other trend in fitness, stretching has its contraindications. For example, people with joint or spinal problems should consult a doctor before starting exercise. Also, do not forget about proper breathing and stretching before and after classes.

As a result, we can say that stretching is a useful and effective fitness trend that helps maintain flexibility, strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation. But to achieve good results, you need to approach these activities wisely, gradually increasing the load, and monitor your feelings. And remember that even cats know how important stretching is for the health and beauty of the body.