Why do women constantly turn off their office air conditioning?

I've probably seen how even in the most peaceful office a fight for and against air conditioning can break out. In most cases, men are in favor of coolness, and women demand that the device be turned off. Scientists have found a scientific explanation for this situation.

It’s no wonder that physiology is to blame for everything: in the male body, metabolic processes proceed a little faster than in the female body, so the male body generates more heat. Anatomy is also to blame - since women are on average smaller than men, they have accelerated heat exchange with the environment.

Scientists monitored the body and skin temperature of women working in the office and determined the optimal comfortable temperature to be 24°C. Note that this is three degrees higher than the optimal temperature level in the office (21°C), which was included in state standards. It was developed in the 1960s by scientist Povl Ole Fanger, an expert in the field of research on human thermoregulation and temperature conditions in the workplace.