Exercises for deltoid muscles at home.

The aesthetics of a male athletic figure largely depends on how developed the shoulders, that is, the deltoid muscles, are. Therefore, most males spend hundreds of hours on machines, trying to give this group volume and strength.

Aesthetics of the male athletic figure.

If you don’t want or can’t for some reason, it doesn’t matter, purchase a gym membership, you certainly shouldn’t despair, we’ll tell you what to do. So, if you are not going to put up with the narrow shoulders that Mother Nature gave you, then exercises for the deltoid muscles at home are your opportunity to achieve what you want!

There are two types of exercises for deltas: basic (“base”) and additional (isolating). The first give maximum muscle growth. These include barbell presses from the chest and behind the head, presses of heavy dumbbells while standing or sitting. If you have a barbell at your disposal, then standing chest press of this apparatus is perfect for building powerful deltoids. Isolating exercises include all kinds of dumbbell swings and lateral raises. To prevent lower back injury, it is advisable to use a weightlifting belt, which is sold in specialized sports stores. Remember: safety comes first!

We work with a barbell.

The weight of the barbell for the standing press should be selected so that you can easily perform 8 to 10 repetitions per set. Recommended number of sets: 3-5. Follow proper breathing technique during exercise. Make the effort (lifting the barbell) while exhaling, and the reverse move (lowering the projectile) while inhaling. 1-2 minutes will be enough to catch your breath between sets. If you feel that this period is not enough and you are out of breath, increase the rest time. It is recommended to add weight to the apparatus when 10-11 repetitions per set are achievable. Let's say you added a few kg to the barbell and can perform 10 repetitions in the first set, 9 repetitions in the 2nd, and 6-8 in the subsequent ones. It is allowed to add working weight only when you can easily do at least 10 presses in all approaches.

Do you have a bench with stands at home? Use them to pump up your deltoids - do seated presses. Sit on the bench so that the barbell is at a distance of half-bent arms, dive under it, remove it from the racks and start pressing. The principle is similar: 4-6 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions each.

We work with dumbbells.

Dumbbell press standing or sitting.

A basic exercise for the deltoid muscles at home is the standing dumbbell press. It would be great if they turn out to be collapsible for a smooth increase in working weights. These presses are also performed in 3-5 sets of 8-10 repetitions. The cyclic movement stimulates the front (beginners pay little attention to them) and middle (they give the main volume) deltoid bundles. It will be useful to bring the dumbbells together at the top of the press: this way you will achieve the greatest tension in the shoulders.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you.

Include dumbbell swings in your training complex. Swings forward are performed with both hands: first with the left, then with the right. Here it is allowed to use “cheating” (assistance with the body) at the end of the approach, for the final “clogging” of the muscles. The next step is swinging to the sides while standing or sitting. By sitting on a bench, you will achieve a cleaner work of the deltas. You can also perform another variation of this movement - side swings in a horizontal tilt (to work the rear delts). The entire “set” of three exercises is done in 3-5 approaches with 10-14 repetitions in each.

You can do all the approaches of the first, then the 2nd and 3rd exercises. Or you can combine them into one “super approach”. The need for various training methods is determined with increasing personal sports experience.

We work without equipment, only with our own body weight.

Even if there is a complete lack of at least some sports equipment, there is no need to despair. At home, you have access to “good old grandfather’s techniques”, which do not become less effective with age. Push-ups will act as a good replacement for exercises with iron for high-quality work of the deltoid muscles at home or on the street. In this case, it will be very good to place your feet on any available elevation: a chair, sofa or bench. The higher your legs are relative to your body, the more your shoulders will be loaded. Push-ups involve the anterior (usually lagging behind in athletes) deltoids. Although here, too, you can vary the “angle of attack” using different widths of your palms...


Nutrition and its importance!

Typically, delt training includes 5-6 exercises: barbell press from the chest, from behind the head, as well as various swings with dumbbells. Take care not only of conscientious training, but also of appropriate nutrition and proper rest (recovery). Your diet must contain at least 2 (two) grams of protein for every kilogram of your weight. Dividing your meals into 6-8 meals will help speed up your metabolism. Be sure to get a good night's sleep, because muscle growth occurs only during sleep.

Have you set a goal to build good muscle mass and deservedly have a beautiful body? Get ready for hard and long work. Muscles do not grow quickly, and in fitness or bodybuilding you need a constant creative approach, the ability to listen to your body, your body. Read articles from our fitness portal, special literature, magazines on bodybuilding and fitness, fortunately there is a large selection of them now. Good luck to you in building a beautiful body!