Turinabol in martial arts

Turinabol (Turik) is a steroid drug with fairly good anabolic activity. It was first developed in the last century and is actively used in various sports: athletics, weightlifting, martial arts (martial arts), bodybuilding and so on.

Turik is used by both men and women in certain dosage ranges and time periods.

Turinabol, with proper and controlled use, is a good drug for both beginners and experienced athletes.

  1. Properties and Features
  2. Turinabol for fighters
  3. Dosages and methods of application
  4. Side effects
  5. Post-cycle therapy (PCT)

Properties and Features

When used, it exhibits the following positive effects:

  1. moderate increase in quality muscle mass
  2. accelerated recovery of the body after physical activity
  3. moderate increase in strength and endurance
  4. by reducing SHBG - increases the effectiveness of any course

Turinabol for fighters

The following characteristics are important for any fighter: speed, endurance and strength, which a turik can easily increase when used.

Increasing these indicators without a significant increase in muscle mass is a bonus for a fighter. In any case, weight gain depends on nutrition during a steroid cycle. If you need to maintain your weight category, take care to select the correct daily calorie intake.

Turinabol solo, unlike methane, does not aromatize, i.e. you will not encounter such side effects as fluid retention, with the ensuing consequences of increased blood pressure. It also does not negatively affect joints when used alone, without testosterone, which cannot be said about stanozolol.

Dosages and methods of application

For men, the optimal dosage of turinabol will be 0.4-0.6 mg per 1 kg of your own weight.

If your weight is 85 kg, then the total daily dosage will be 35-50 mg of the drug, respectively. Divide the total dosage into several doses throughout the day.

For women, the optimal dosage is 10-20 mg of turik per day, divided into several doses.

The duration of the course is 4 weeks, this is the optimal time of use for girls.

Detection time for metabolites (in case of doping control): from 6 weeks to 8 months, depending on the competition protocol.

It is very important to take tests before the course: LH, FSH, total testosterone, prolactin, estradiol, UAC, liver enzymes, lipid profile. If any of the indicators goes beyond the norm, first of all it is worth understanding the reason for the change in indicators, and only then starting a course of turinabol.

It would not be superfluous to remind you that when taking this kind of drugs, you must fully saturate the body with building materials in large quantities, and here good sports nutrition will come in very handy, for example, this is a sports nutrition from the manufacturer protein.company - a huge choice for an athlete of any level of training . Our sports experts highly recommend this online store, which really has everything a growing athlete needs..

Combinations with other steroids

Turinabol combines well with all testosterone esters, such as testosterone propionate or enanthate. The course layout depends directly on your goals and capabilities.

Side effects

With proper use of Turinabol, the risk of negative effects is minimal. If dosages and duration of use are not observed, you may encounter the following problems:

  1. decrease in your own testosterone levels
  2. decreased libido
  3. increased LDL (“bad” cholesterol)
  4. increased blood pressure
  5. hair loss
  6. acne appearance
  7. inhibition of spermatogenesis

These side effects can be avoided if you follow the recommendations for dosage and duration of use.

Post-cycle therapy (PCT)

After the course, rehabilitation therapy should be carried out without fail. It is recommended to use Clomid; the dosage and regimen of the anti-estrogen depends on the steroids you used in your cycle and the duration of their use.

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