Athletic gymnastics and bodybuilding for teenagers, boys and girls

The development of strength during adolescence is largely dependent on growth hormones, as well as sex hormones. They have a significant effect on metabolism. Testosterone stimulates muscle growth. At the stage of puberty, the production of all sex hormones increases significantly, therefore the most favorable age for the development of strength in girls is 11-13 years old, and in boys - 13-15 years old, when muscles can account for up to 30% of the total body weight and, in terms of their anatomical properties, are already differ little from the muscles of an adult. It is recommended to include large training loads in classes with strict constant monitoring of the state of a) the cardiovascular system, b) the musculoskeletal system, and only when puberty occurs.

Optimal teenage age indicators for starting classes:

bodybuilding youth (years)

bodybuilding girls (years)



  1. Fitness and bodybuilding for teenagers. Peculiarities.
  2. Teenage boy bodybuilding
  3. Teenage girl bodybuilding

Fitness and bodybuilding for teenagers. Peculiarities.

In classes with teenagers, one should strictly take into account the principle of gradually increasing loads, implemented in preliminary general physical training, aimed at comprehensive, comprehensive development of strength. In athletic training, it is recommended to use weights that do not exceed 50-60% of the maximum possible strength so that the child can perform the exercise 15-20 times, using a varied range of exercises. Exercises that directly impact the spine should be avoided. We must strive to create a “muscular corset” in adolescents that protects and supports the torso. They cannot be oriented toward maximizing their strength capabilities.

For those who want to quickly gain muscle volume by resorting to sports nutrition, we recommend supplementing their daily diet with a gainer, because, according to scientists, it is the gainer that is best suited for young teenage athletes. Well, it’s naturally better to avoid taking steroids and hormonal drugs if your health is important to you... Well, if not, then the green light is on for you to go to the steroid store, and you will literally turn into young Arnold in six months, just don’t forget that Everything in life has to be paid for. Sometimes a very noticeable fee. Therefore, our advice is better not to take risks! It's not worth it! You have to hurry slowly. But it’s better not to force events. Pay triple! Therefore, only slowly and systematically. And gradually...

In athletic training for young men, exercises must correspond to training goals, and when playing sports, the specialization of the young athlete. The specified loads should not be monotonous, prolonged or extreme, which could lead to injury. Thus, excessive loads on the triceps during puberty can lead to displacement of the olecranon process of the humerus, and unilateral strength training can interfere with the development of muscle elasticity. Unreasonable use of special competitive exercises sometimes causes deformation of the spine and bones.

Teenage girl bodybuilding

When engaging in athletic gymnastics, young girls are required to adhere to the general rules for constructing women's athletic training. Just like guys, they must follow the general principles of optimal organization of training for adults. The main attention should be paid to strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen, including exercises to develop flexibility in the training. When exercising with a barbell, it is important to avoid deep squats and ensure that your back is straight. Before starting regular exercise, consult your doctor.

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