Children of wealthy parents are more likely to suffer from allergies

American researchers from the National Center for Health Statistics have calculated that over the past decade the number of people suffering from allergies has increased in the United States. The number of registered cases of food allergies increased by 50%, and the number of people suffering from allergic eczema increased by 69%.

Moreover, the wealthier American parents are, the higher the percentage of allergies in children. For example, children of immigrants complain of allergies less often, scientists say. But the reasons for such unevenness cannot be explained.

Meanwhile, Russian allergists have also been saying for a long time that the number of children with allergies is increasing every year. Children should not be allowed to get carried away with sweet sodas, chips and other “benefits” of the food industry. The brighter the colors of the same candies, the more various chemical additives they contain. And all this leads to allergic reactions.

If we draw a parallel with American studies, the connection between allergies and parental wealth is direct. If the parents cannot give the child a lot of pocket money, then the teenager will not be able to buy a lot of junk food.