Oral growth hormones for the bodybuilder.

Let's think about what bodybuilders want? – high-quality and rapid muscle growth, and this is provided to us by the ability of our body to overcompensate, gifted to us by Mother Nature. But, unfortunately, it is far from high quality and certainly not fast... How to influence this? – read in this review...

To put it simply, it turns out: our body gives a signal that it does not have enough muscle for normal functioning and, thanks to natural growth hormone, our muscle tissue is completely restored to its original state and adds a little more - overcompensating for the resulting losses. It is due to this feature of our body that muscle growth occurs...

But the question is: how to influence this? How to speed up this process? How do we tell our body that we need more of that muscle gain? – the answer was found by sports medicine scientists. Now we can rely not only on the natural growth hormone produced by our own body, but also help it with additional artificially synthesized, but almost the same as natural? hormone. This is exactly how BCAA drugs appeared. In fact, these are artificial growth hormones that push our body to progress even more in volume and strength.

The find is truly revolutionary, but for some time - not without a “fly in the ointment”. And the fly in the ointment was that the drug had to be injected into the body only with the help of syringes, regularly giving oneself painful and unpleasant injections in any case. And this is a waste of time, inconvenience and the inability to comfortably take the drug in any environment at ease...

Fortunately, there are now so-called oral growth hormones for bodybuilders. Leading sports pharmacologists managed to obtain an analogue of this drug in the form of regular capsules. Now there is no longer any need to torture yourself with unpleasant injections, buy syringes and needles, constantly think about antiseptics and other nonsense... I swallowed a pill, washed it down with some water and grow in height and breadth!

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