Sushi threatens women with hormonal imbalances and obesity

Sushi is a dish that has become popular all over the world due to its taste and beneficial properties. However, as Australian nutritionists have found, eating sushi in large quantities can lead to serious health problems for women.

Sushi is rice wrapped in nori (dried seaweed) with various fillings such as cheese, cucumber, crab meat, etc. However, some of these fillings have been found to contain high levels of iodine, which can lead to serious health problems, especially in women.

The thyroid gland plays an important role in regulating metabolism and producing hormones. However, if a woman's iodine levels are too high or too low, it can lead to serious health problems. If a woman consumes too much iodine, it can lead to hyperthyroidism, which is characterized by overproduction of thyroid hormones, which can lead to serious problems with the heart, bones and muscles.

Additionally, too much iodine can cause particularly serious problems for women during pregnancy. Excess iodine can lead to impaired fetal development and the birth of a child with serious health problems.

But not only excess, but also lack of iodine can lead to problems with the health of the thyroid gland. If a woman's iodine levels are too low, it can lead to hypothyroidism, which is characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones. This can lead to health problems such as fatigue, depression, problems with memory and concentration.

Therefore, if you love sushi, you should consume it in moderation. Experts recommend not eating more than one serving of sushi per week to avoid health problems. If you have problems with your thyroid health, you should see your doctor to help you develop the right diet and treatment.