Fitness for quick weight loss: top 6 exercises

Do you want to lose weight quickly and effectively? Then you need to do a special set of exercises that will help speed up your metabolism and burn extra calories. In this article we will look at the top 6 exercises that will help you quickly achieve the desired result.

The uniqueness of these exercises is that it is enough to devote 20 minutes a day to them in order to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. Perform each exercise at a fast pace for no more than a minute, without taking breaks between them. After completing a set of exercises, rest for 1 minute, then repeat the full set two more times. Do the exercises for two days in a row, then take a break for one day.

  1. Jump Squats

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Jump up, raising your arms above your head and clasping them together. As you jump, keep your legs bent and your heels together. By jumping from a half-squat position, you train the muscles of your legs, buttocks and back.

  1. Jumping with leg lifts

Stand straight, heels together, arms bent at elbows at chest level, fingers pressed together. Take a jump, legs apart, reach with your left hand towards your right foot. Return to your previous position and switch hands. The exercise trains the muscles of the back and hips.

  1. Jumping with body tilt

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your sides. Reach your right hand to your left foot, after jumping, arms raised up, then reach with your left hand to your right foot. The exercise trains the muscles of the back and hips.

  1. Jumping with knees

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your sides. Squat down, keeping your palms above knee level. Jump, raising your knees so that they touch your palms. The exercise trains the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

  1. Side support with leg lift

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. Place your emphasis to the side on your right leg, with your left leg bent at the knee. In this case, the right hand is in front, the left is behind. This exercise involves almost the entire muscle group: lower abs, legs, hips and back.

  1. Leg raises while lying on your back

Sit with your legs bent, lean back, palms pressed firmly to the floor - lift your legs up one by one. The exercise trains the abdominal muscles and inner leg muscles.

In conclusion, if you want to lose weight quickly and effectively, we recommend including this set of exercises in your training program. Remember that regularity and the right approach to exercise are the main key to success. Spend just 20 minutes a day on this complex and you will definitely get the desired result.