What apps should I download to monitor my water balance?

We constantly ask ourselves the question “Well, how did people live without smartphones before?” Now this small piece of plastic serves us as a memory, a guide, and an encyclopedia. He will tell you exactly when your favorite boss’s birthday is, where to download the new episode of your favorite TV series and remind you that it’s time to buy tampons. It can also control how much water you need to drink per day. To do this, you just need to download the applications that we will tell you about!

We have already written several times about how important it is to drink enough water every day. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves, we will only note that this is much more important than a piece of coffee, a new message on Facebook, a telephone conversation with a friend, or even preparing a work report.

Some people just need to put a glass of water next to them and they will drink it. Some people find it more interesting to come up with unusual ways to remember to drink water. And some people need constant, vigilant control. And the best assistant in this matter is a smartphone with useful applications!


This application automatically calculates for you the required amount of fluid that you should consume every day. To do this, you must first fill out a detailed section of personal data, which includes not only height, weight, age, but also your daily routine and training regimen. After each drink you drink, you enter data into the program using a convenient interface. As you drink different liquids, your silhouette in the program will fill in blue. At the same time, if you drink coffee or alcohol, the blue color, on the contrary, will “leave” from your silhouette, because these drinks remove water from the body. The application is available in Russian.

The program is provided free of charge for downloading in: AppStore and Google Market.

Water Your Body

An application with a very simple interface. You enter your data: height, weight, gender, activity level, and the program calculates the required amount of water. You set reminder times that suit you, and receive a notification every time it's time to drink a glass of water. You can also add other drinks you drink into the system. To control the drinking regime, there is a convenient statistics system. The application is available in English.

The program is available for download for free on Google Market.


With WaterLogged, it takes you less than 60 seconds a day to record how much water you drink and chart your correct intake. The application itself will remind you when there is not enough water in your body. The application is available in English.

The program is provided free of charge for downloading in the AppStore.