How to stay on your feet: rules for moving in icy conditions

Winter can be a beautiful time of year, but icy conditions can make any walk a real challenge. No one is immune from falls and bruises, but there are some rules that will help you stay on your feet and avoid injuries. In this article, we'll look at some simple but effective tips on how to navigate slippery sidewalks.

When it's icy outside, the choice of shoes becomes especially important. You should not choose shoes with high heels or platforms, with a wide toe box and thick soles. It is better to choose a stable heel no higher than 3-4 cm or shoes with wedges. The sole should not be completely flat, nor should it have a texture. Special ice drifts are very effective and will help you maintain your balance while walking. Such devices cost about 200 hryvnia. If it is not possible to purchase ice slides, you can make your shoes anti-slip by placing adhesive plaster on the soles in a criss-cross pattern or by applying waterproof glue to them.

Clothing also plays an important role when moving on icy conditions. Your clothes should be loose and not restrict movement. Heavy bags with long handles and the habit of keeping your hands in your pockets can affect your balance.

How to walk
Proper gait will help avoid falls on ice. The body needs to be slightly forward, knees slightly bent. It is better to walk slowly, in small steps, without raising your legs high. You need to step on the ice with your full foot, rather than rolling from heel to toe.

How to fall correctly
Despite all precautions, falls on ice are sometimes inevitable. It is important to know how to fall correctly to minimize injury. If you start to fall, you can ignore what people think and throw your arms up powerfully to help you maintain your balance. If hitting the ground is unavoidable, keep your arms at your sides BUT do not point them back. It would be nice to fall on your side or back. In this case, you need to immediately roll to the other side to minimize the force of the impact. When you fall, you need to clench your teeth so as not to knock them against each other, and also to avoid damaging your tongue. If you are carrying a bag or package, it is better to immediately let go and concentrate on falling correctly. The muscles should be as tense as possible. Try to group yourself - curl into a ball, pull your head into your shoulders. Or press your chin to your chest if you fall on your back. When falling on your back, it is also better to spread your arms as wide as possible to reduce the force of the impact and avoid falling on your elbows.

It is strictly forbidden to put your elbows forward and fall on your outstretched arms, or sit on your butt when falling.

In conclusion, walking on ice can be dangerous, but with simple rules you can stay on your feet and avoid injury. Choose the right shoes, don't forget about loose clothing and walk in small steps, stepping on the ice with your full foot. If a fall is unavoidable, know how to fall correctly to minimize injury. By following these tips, you can enjoy your winter walk safely and comfortably.