Is having your own fitness trainer a luxury or a necessity?

One of our regular readers turned to us with this curious question: she says that she seems to have studied the theory well, and understands the basic training principles, and has memorized the basics of nutrition, but I constantly train, and it seems that I do everything correctly, according to science, according to my mind, but there were no real tangible results. What's wrong? At the same time, our reader sent us her detailed training plan and a detailed menu of her daily diet.

Well, let's face it: the situation is painfully typical... Hundreds of young athletes and novice female athletes like our heroine daily pester the best fitness trainers in Moscow and experienced gym regulars with similar questions... Well, let's shed some light on that's the point in this short note...

Often the root of evil is buried in the fact that you study on your own, relying on your own instincts and personal impressions, which may well be wrong. For example: You decided to do 20 push-ups on the floor, naively believing that this is the very load you need now... An experienced coach, unlike you, will not rely on any subjective assumptions. It will be based on your training indicators, anthropometric data, assessment tests and other objective indicators. Accordingly, the trainer will assign you not the 20 push-ups that you mistakenly assigned to yourself, but 30, and maybe even more. The coach will not feel sorry for you and cut you some slack. It turns out that a personal fitness trainer is exactly what you need to overcome stagnation!

So, we conclude: if on your own you are unable to make good progress in training and, accordingly, muscle growth, it definitely makes sense to turn to experienced professionals. Moreover, under the supervision of a savvy specialist, it is always more reliable and safer, and as you know, sports injuries in fitness and bodybuilding have not yet been canceled. Under the wing of an experienced coach, “getting into such trouble” is much less likely. So take heart, our dear readers...

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