Weightlifting training session and its structure

Like any other weightlifting training session, there are three key parts:

  1. a) preparatory
  2. b) main,
  3. c) and final.

This concerns the training itself, we will consider each of these points in more detail below, but it is important to understand that the main processes in the body of a weightlifter occur just after physical work - during moments of recovery, during rest and sleep.

You need to rest fully, giving the body the opportunity to recover 100%. Your diet also plays a huge role in this, because without a sufficient amount of building materials, you cannot build a strong house. Supplement your diet with sports nutrition preparations - fortunately, buying them now is not a problem. In any region there is a store or online store. Nevertheless, you should beware of counterfeits and buy sports nutrition only in trusted, well-established places - 100% quality products only from branded manufacturers at very affordable prices... But let’s return to the weightlifter’s training session and its components...

Duration of the warm-up part: 10-15 minutes for beginners and junior athletes and 7-10 minutes for qualified athletes. It solves the problem of smoothly preparing the athlete’s body for the upcoming training with a barbell, for which general developmental exercises are used for all muscle groups, which are performed first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace. At the end of the preparatory part, a special warm-up is performed with a metal stick, barbell or barbell of minimum weight, simulating the upcoming exercise with a barbell.

The main part involves performing exercises with a barbell. It begins mainly with exercises of a high-speed nature, such as a half-squat snatch, a half-squat barbell raise, and a snatch. Then exercises are performed to build strength and, at the end of the workout, exercises to develop endurance and local exercises. If it is necessary to provide the best conditions for the growth of strength, then strength exercises come first. The sequence of exercises should take into account their rational alternation - changing the work of some muscle groups and others, for example: a) deadlift, b) bench press, c) squats with a barbell, and also exclude the possibility of negative skill transfer. To prevent adaptation of the body leading to a decrease in response to exercises that are often included first, it is necessary to periodically begin training with a variety of exercises, such as deadlifts, squats with a barbell, pressing exercises, etc. When the exercise with a barbell differs significantly in structure from the previous one, a special warm-up should be carried out, because it protects the athlete from injury. If the load is low, include 2-3 exercises, if the volume is significant - 5-8 exercises. Rest intervals between sets are from 2 to 5 minutes. The readiness for the next approach is usually felt well by the athlete himself. You need to breathe when lifting the barbell in a way that is comfortable for the athlete.

In all the above options, in the first two approaches (after the snatch), you should squat down 2-3 times and stand with the barbell in your arms straightened at the top (in a “scissors” or “spread” squat, depending on how the snatch is performed).

Athletes of junior ranks, along with the snatch training options indicated for them, must periodically use the options of qualified athletes.

Often, before a snatch, a snatch is performed in a half-squat position. After a half-squat snatch, the athlete does not lift the minimum and small weights in the snatch, but immediately moves on to the main training weight. However, in the last two approaches in the snatch with a half-squat, he must do 2-3 squats with the bar in his arms straightened at the top (in the squat “spread” or “scissors”).

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