Chili peppers can help treat migraines

Chili peppers may provide clues to how to overcome migraines. The skin's reaction to the oil of this product is similar to what happens to the human brain during severe headache attacks.

This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of California, San Francisco. Experts have discovered that when chili pepper oil is applied to the skin, the substance CGRP begins to be produced - these are peptides that are associated with calcetonin genes. This substance stimulates blood flow. It also enters the brain during migraines to carry a pain signal to the nerves.

Now biotech companies are trying to create a drug that can block the nerve receptors so they cannot receive signals from CGRP. If they succeed, the world will receive a completely new method of treating this disease.

Specialists from Amgen are already conducting research. They conducted experiments with the participation of volunteers who received injections of an experimental drug under the skin. At the same time, chili pepper oil was applied to the skin. The drug blocked the substance CGRP, which stimulates blood flow.

One theory is that migraines are caused by increased blood flow. By blocking brain receptors so that they do not receive CGRP signals, a migraine attack can be avoided.
